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STAR Workplace Engagement Survey

Unlock the Value of Your People To Drive Performance

The STAR Workplace Program and associated reports have been developed by the HR Coach Research Institute. It is overseen by an Independent Benchmarking Committee including leading Academics and HR Practitioners.

STAR Workplace Program is a business improvement and benchmarking tool which enables you to assess and measure your business. 

What is Strategic Alignment?

Strategic alignment is the correlation between your strategy as the business owner and the everyday activity of your employees. 

Strategically aligned businesses have a strategy that is linked to what their employees are doing every day.


Why is Strategic Alignment important?

Your business currently generates its revenue from your employees, regardless of what industry you are in. How strategically aligned your employees are directly impact your top-line revenue numbers and your bottom-line growth. 

Creating a strategically aligned workforce ensures that your employees are working on the strategy that grows your business every day.

The benefits of using strategic alignment software

Companies across Australasia are quickly seeing the advantages of using a performance culture platform to engage teams and boost performance. Investing in a performance management solution will give your organization the tools to effectively manage the performance of your teams, while keeping them engaged and focused.

One of the main features of the software is the ability to create engagement surveys. Using tailor-made questions your business can effectively measure how engaged individuals are, and how connected they feel with the business.



Understand how your business is performing.  We work with you to really understand what your organisation is experiencing and what matters most now and in the future.  We then assess your strategic level of engagement and company performance against a benchmark of 600 Australasian businesses to assist you to identify key areas for your business focus.


We have identified the core employee and management culture drivers for Australasian businesses.  If you are going to improve your business performance you need to measure your culture against these Australasian benchmarks and ensure that you are in the high performing category.  Businesses don't make decisions, people do - and culture is core to people making better business decisions.


Their anonymous Employee Survey use research-based and validated questioning to measure satisfaction in the workplace.  We produce results that managers and business owners can easily interpret and action, benchmarked to Australasian businesses.

HR Framework

The HRF101 National Standard: Human Resource Framework identifies what Australasian businesses need to do to ensure the alignment and effectiveness of their HR processes with the needs of the business.  Assessing businesses against the HR Framework identifies process gaps that can be prioritised and fixed.

Employee Engagement

Engagement and satisfaction are not enough. Competitive advantages come from aligning the activity of the employees with the strategy of the decision makers/business.  Use the metrics and benchmarking to align your people to your business performance and improve business profitability and/or growth.

Psychosocial Risk

Managing Psychosocial Risk has become a key component of all businesses, big and small. We have been measuring and benchmarking this data for over 20 years to help businesses understand their risk and provide actionable items to address their low markers.



STAR Workplace is the only program on the market that examines the Employer's impact on strategic alignment, as they set the strategy. 


One of Their certified Coaches sits down with the employer or business decision-makers to understand their satisfaction with company performance, strategy and systems. During this time we set up the survey parameters for the team, including department and location breakdown and the opportunity to ask up to 10 free text questions of the team.


Once the parameters of the team survey are set, we send out unique survey links to all team members to rate their engagement against:

1. Organisational Measurement and Planning;

2. HR Processes and Systems;

3. Governance and Compliance; 

4. Performance Management;

5. Workplace Improvement;

6. Team Culture; and

7. Management Culture. 

Participants can provide both a rating and constructive feedback, while also remaining 100% anonymous to improve the validity of the data. 


At the completion of the team survey, the links are closed off and the STAR Workplace Program goes to work to analyse the data. A report is built, benchmarking all high-level data against over 900 Australasian businesses to help you focus on what is holding your business back.​

All data is colour coded to make the pain points as visible as possible. Detailed data is also benchmarked against your specific industry to see how you perform against your competitors.


Their Certified Coach presents the results back to you and your business, the good, the bad and everything in between. The process is tried and tested to ensure that your team understands your satisfaction with company performance and strategy - as this positions them for success. 

Employers and employees often leave the results presentations feeling relieved and more aware of the performance of the business and what needs to happen to execute the strategy of the business.

Take Action

Using your results, their Certified Coach will work with you and the management team to address the anchor points that can be released to maximise your ROI. 

Businesses have the choice of how to address these, either individually or through collaboration with other providers. The action plan is provided in line with the demands of the business to ensure it is achievable, timely and effective.

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